
Aus dem Web

Nützliche Links und Freunde im Web.



Social Media

  • The Open Graph protocol
    The Open Graph protocol enables any web page to become a rich object in a social graph. For instance, this is used on Facebook to allow any web page to have the same functionality as any other object on Facebook.
  • Google+ Social Plugins
  • TweetDeck
    TweetDeck ist eine funktionelle Nachrichtenzentrale für Twitter und stellt Timelines, Benachrichtigungen und Nachrichten mehrerer Accounts getrennt und übersichtlich dar.
  • Facebook Social Plugins
  • Facebook Debugger

Tools und Software

  • SEOlytics
    SEOlytics ist die professionelle SEO Analyse Software. Beste Daten im Tool, täglich aktualisierte Keywords & Rankings zu 30 Ländern.
  • Wayback Machine
    Archive-It enables you to capture, manage and search collections of digital content without any technical expertise or hosting facilities.
  • Trello
    Infinitely flexible. Incredibly easy to use. Great mobile apps. It’s free. Trello keeps track of everything, from the big picture to the minute details.
  • MediaWiki
    MediaWiki is a free software wiki package written in PHP.
  • Keyword Tool
    Google Keyword Suggestions
  • Citavi
    Literaturverwaltung und Wissensorganisation
  • SimilarWeb
    Website Traffic Statistics & Market Intelligence
  • Uberspace.de
    Uberspace.de ist eine Plattform von Technikern für Techniker und alle, die es werden wollen.
  • Backlinkchecker
    Backlinks finden, analysieren und auswerten
  • Lorem ipsum Generator
  • seobility
    Das SEO Tool für Onpage Optimierung
    SEO-Tools von und für Profis
  • Ubersuggest
    Keyword-Vorschläge und Backlinks
  • Unsplash
    Beautiful Free Images & Pictures


  • Nettuts+
    Web development tutorials, from beginner to advanced.
  • Web Design Ledger
    Web Design Blog, Tutorials and Inspiration
  • Codrops
    Codrops is a web design and development blog that publishes articles and tutorials about the latest web trends, techniques and new possibilities.
  • Blog.SpoonGraphics
    Design Tutorials, Graphic Design Articles and Free Resource Downloads from the blog of Graphic Designer Chris Spooner
  • Tutorialzine
    Tutorials, Resources and Freebies
  • Phototuts+
    Photography and post-processing tutorials from beginner to advanced.


  • jsFiddle
    Mootools shell, easy test you snippets before implementing.
  • jQuery TOOLS
    The missing UI library for the Web
  • Collabtive
    Collabtive ist eine webbasierte Groupware, einfach und effizient für teambasierte Projekte.
  • Responsive Web Design Testing Tool
  • CSS Button Generator
  • Initializr
    Initializr generates clean customizable templates based on HTML5 Boilerplate with just what you need to start quickly!
  • Werkzeugkoffer
    Linksammlung mit Ressourcen für Webdesigner und Entwickler
  • Screenfly
    Test Your Website at Different Screen Resolutions
  • Node.js
    Node.js is a platform built on Chrome’s JavaScript runtime for easily building fast, scalable network applications. Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient, perfect for data-intensive real-time applicat
  • A List Apart
    A List Apart explores the design, development, and meaning of web content, with a special focus on web standards and best practices.
  • Balsamiq Mockups
  • Online JavaScript beautifier
  • UX Design Knowledge
    Pretty big collection of free UX books
  • Character-Code.com
    HTML Code, Hexadecimal Code and HTML Entity for ASCII characters.
  • Best Web Design Tools
    Boost up your workflow!
  • jQuery
    jQuery is a fast and concise JavaScript Library that simplifies HTML document traversing, event handling, animating, and Ajax interactions for rapid web development.
  • The Responsinator
    The Responsinator is designed to test responsive websites on different device resolutions.
  • List.js
    Tiny, invisible and simple, yet powerful and incredibly fast vanilla JavaScript that adds search, sort, filters and flexibility to plain HTML lists, tables, or anything.

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